Anxiety does not have to be forever
A very large proportion of the population suffers from general anxieties, phobias, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive behaviours. One of the most popular theories is that we “learn” that something is to be feared trough unpleasant or frightening experiences in the past. Current issues like being under constant pressure, feeling lonely, or isolated can also trigger anxiety. Some health problems can even aggravate it. Sometimes anxiety is a side effect of taking certain medications.
Anxieties can range from mild to severe. The mild anxieties have a protective function in threatening situations and act as motivators for resolving the threat. Severe anxieties, on the other hand, are associated with an inability to function normally. Anxiety disorders can cause distress that is disabling. Panic attacks are an exaggeration of your body’s normal response to danger, stress, or excitement.
Anxiety feels different for everyone but some of the common effects on your body are
- Fast and irregular heartbeat
- Feeling restless and dizzy
- Faster breathing
- Sweating and hot flushes
- Changes in your sex drive
- Feelings of panic
- Disassociation
The effects on your mind, however, are more severe and can have an impact on your ability to work, because
- You have a sense of dread
- Changes in your sex drive
- Feel disconnected from yourself
- Fearing the worst
- Feeling that the world is not real
- Feeling that you lose touch with reality
The importance of mind-body connection has been recognised and more people now choose Hypnotherapy as it promotes relaxation and significantly decreases the level of stress hormones and muscle tension.
Hypnotherapy for treatment of Anxiety allows the clients to make a very rapid personal change through overcoming limiting beliefs and resolving issues that hold them back. Treatment for Anxiety includes techniques that empower you in the present and give you the opportunity to design a very positive future. Our treatment involves learning how to relax in situations where you normally experience anxiety.